Want to impact lives through media? Now you can! We’re looking for graphic designers, video editors and researchers.
Don’t worry if you don’t have the skills, we’ll conduct training sessions. The only requirements are commitment and the willingness to learn.
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E-mail us at ckzone.media@gmail.com with the following information. Name: E-mail: Contact Number: CG: CGL: Skills: Graphic Designer/Video Editor/Researcher* *select those that apply
EDIT (18 Aug): Registration still open!
Posted by Vanessa at 2:58 PM
Thursday, July 10, 2008
12 disciples course
LATEST UPDATE! Lesson 2 will be held this saturday! If you missed lesson 1, fret not, you still can come for this lesson.
12 disciples course is designed for us to study Jesus' very own disciples. Understand their different personalities and character, in turn groom ourselves to be an effective disciple of Christ in the modern day context! What are you waiting for? Let's make time for this equipping bible study!
LESSON 2 Venue: Riverwalk, Audi 1&2 Friday, 3-6pm This Saturday, 12th Jul Meeting Time: 10.30 am Starting at 11 am.
*Subject to changes, contact ur cgl for more information
Posted by t h e - n e w - g e n e r a t i o n at 11:14 AM
Monday, July 7, 2008
Our homework - Lesson 1
Hi friends, we had a great time learning about the 6 disciples the week before. We are tasked with a homework to do, remember? :) Let's do our homework a cool way, BLOG IT!
Options: (1) Use the tagboard below (2) email your answers at splendeed@live.com.sg
Let's start our 4 simple questions:
1. Beginning the Journey: Count the Cost Jesus said that whoever wants to follow Him, that person must deny himself and take up his cross. He said that if one wants to save his life, he will lost it, but if he loses his life for Jesus and for the gospel, he will save it (Mark 8:34-35) When Simon Peter, James and John met Jesus, they pulled their boats to shore, left everything, and followed Him (Luke 5:11) Question 1: How are your attitudes and actions different because you are a follower of Jesus
2. Following Christ Together: Fellowship Jesus prayed that His followers would be unified. (John 17:23). The followers of Jesus were to meet together and encourage one another. (Hebrew 10:25) Question 2: What are the benefits of meeting and praying together with other followers of Jesus?
3. Serving Christ and Others Jesus said that whoever wants to become great among His disciples must be a servant, just as Jesus Himself did not come to be served, but to serve, and "to give His life a ransom for many". (Matt 20:26-28) Question 3: What do you think Jesus meant when He said that it is better to serve others than to be served?
4. Failures and Forgiveness When Jesus was arrested, all the disciples deserted Him and fled. Peter denied knowing Him because he feared for his life. (Matt25:26, Mark 14:17). Later Jesus said that the disciples would receive power when the Holy Spirit came to them and that they would share the good news in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and all over the earth (Acts 1:8) Question 4: If you desert or deny Jesus, God can forgive you, give you power from Holy Spirit, and use you as a witness. How have you experienced this?
Posted by t h e - n e w - g e n e r a t i o n at 11:29 AM